A real estate network from Monaco to Saint Tropez


The Cabinet Merengone & Associates is based in Nice, 5th city of France and Prefecture of the Alpes-Maritimes.The Côte d'Azur seduces millions of tourists each year and attracts thousands of foreigners who wish to reside or have a second home here. This attraction started in middle of the 19th century with the arrival of English, Russians and many other nationalities. The Cabinet Merengone et Associates is used to the requirement of this international clientele.






11 Bis Rue Gubernatis
06000 Nice

Located on the Côte d'Azur



Société agréée IOBSP par l’ORIAS


et sous l’autorité de contrôle prudentiel de la Banque de France



True partner in the development of your projects, the Cabinet Merengone & Associates offers a detailed financial analysis of your situation and then makes you share his extensive knowledge about optimizing your assets on financial markets such as Monaco.

Cabinet Merengone & Associates has the skills to provide the best advice based on the nationality of the customer, whether for a simple account opening or financing a complex investment. Its partnerships with many French, Swiss and Luxembourg banks guarantee a wide range of credits offered to customers or nonresidents.

Our banking partners : ( France, Monaco ) - Banque Populaire Côte d’Azur - Crédit Agricole - Caisse d’Epargne - Monte paschi - Crédit Foncier - Andbank - Rothschild - Société Général Privat Banking - BPS (Suisse)